The Johor-Singapore Causeway has been a vital link between Singapore and Malaysia since its official opening on June 28, 1924. For the past 100 years, this bustling border crossing has witnessed countless personal stories, historical events, and cultural exchanges. Now, it’s time to share these tales with our children and help them understand the importance of this remarkable structure.

Get ready to take your kids on a fascinating journey through time as we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Johor-Singapore Causeway. This iconic landmark has been connecting two nations for a century, and now it’s time to explore its rich history and significance. 

Let’s dive into the exciting events and exhibitions that will bring this centennial celebration to life!

1. Step Back in Time at “The Causeway: A Century of Connections” Exhibition

Now, let’s get to the heart of the centenary celebrations. The National Heritage Board has launched an exciting traveling exhibition called “The Causeway: A Century of Connections.”

Here’s what you and your kids can expect:

A Journey Through Time

Step back in time as you explore the Causeway’s origins, from its construction in the 19th century to its evolution through major historical events like the Japanese Occupation and the recent COVID-19 pandemic.

Interactive Passport Experience

Get ready for some hands-on fun! Your family will receive an “immigration white card” inspired by the ones used before March 2020. Use this card to collect “immigration stamps” as you explore the exhibits.

Personal Stories and Photographs

Discover fascinating anecdotes and archival photographs that bring the Causeway’s history to life. Your kids will love hearing about the women who crossed the Johor-Singapore Causeway in old clothes to shop at the Woodlands Saturday night market, only to return in their new outfits.

Changing Locations

The exhibition kicks off at Woodlands Civic Centre on June 28, 2024, and will later move to the National Archives of Singapore. After that, it will tour various institutes of higher learning, public libraries, and other public spaces.

2. Explore the Digital Time Capsule at the Causeway Centenary Website

For the tech-savvy families, the National Library Board has created a specially curated website that’s a treasure trove of historical goodies.

Head over to https://go.gov.sg/causewaycentenary and dive into a world of archival records, photographs, audio-visual resources, and fascinating oral history interviews.

Here’s a fun family challenge — see who can uncover the most interesting fact about the Causeway’s history. It’s a great way to spark your kids’ curiosity and turn them into little history detectives!

3. Attend Engaging Public Talks

Mark your calendars for July 4 and September 19, 2024, because these are dates you won’t want to miss!

The National Archives of Singapore is hosting engaging talks that will delve deeper into the Johor-Singapore Causeway’s fascinating history. With speakers including archivists from Singapore and Malaysia, as well as experts from the National University of Singapore, it’s sure to be an enlightening experience.

Archives Unlocked: The Causeway: The Line That Ties

Source: Eventbrite

Speakers: Hamizah Ibrahim, Archivist, National Archives of Singapore, and Yong Jing Jing, Assistant Archivist, National Archives of Singapore Date and Time: Thu, 4 Jul 2024, 7pm to 8pm Venue: Zoom Registration: Register now via Eventbrite. Archives Invites: A 100-Year Connection: The Johor-Singapore Causeway Through Social Sciences and Humanities Lenses

Source: Eventbrite

Speaker: Dr. Tim Bunnell, Professor at the Department of Geography and Director of the Asia Research Institute (ARI) at the National University of Singapore Date and Time: Thu, 19 Sep 2024, 7pm to 8pm Venue: NAS Oldham Theatre, L3, National Archives Building Registration: Register now via Eventbrite.

Here’s a pro tip: get your kids involved by preparing some questions beforehand. It’s a great way to boost their confidence and make the most of the Q&A sessions.

Who knows? Your little one might just stump the experts with their insightful queries!

4. Read Together the BiblioAsia’s Special Causeway Edition

Source: BiblioAsia

For all bookworms, it’s time to curl up with your little ones and dive into the July-September 2024 issue of BiblioAsia.

This special edition features an exciting extract from “The Causeway” book, giving you a unique glimpse into the bridge’s history. You can find copies at all public libraries or read it digitally at https://go.gov.sg/biblioasia-causeway.

Why not turn it into a family reading challenge? Take turns reading aloud and discuss what surprises you most about the Causeway’s construction. It’s a fantastic way to bond over books and history!

5. Plan Your Own Causeway Adventure

Source: Asia Research Institute, NUS

Why not create your own family memories at the Johor-Singapore Causeway? Take inspiration from the exhibition and plan a day trip across the border.

Snap family photos at iconic Causeway spots, try local foods on both sides, or even create a scavenger hunt based on the Causeway facts you’ve learned. It’s a chance to bring history to life and create lasting memories with your little explorers.

Plus, you’ll get to experience firsthand the connection this amazing structure has fostered between Singapore and Malaysia for a century!

Why the Johor-Singapore Causeway Matters to Your Family

As parents, it’s essential to help our children understand the significance of this centennial celebration. The Johor-Singapore Causeway is more than just a bridge – it’s a symbol of the deep connections between two nations. Here’s why it matters:

Cultural Exchange

The Causeway has facilitated countless cultural exchanges between Singapore and Malaysia.

Family Ties

Many families have relatives on both sides of the Causeway, making it an important link for maintaining family connections.

Economic Impact

The Causeway plays a crucial role in trade and commerce between the two countries.

Historical Significance

Understanding the Causeway’s history helps children appreciate the complex relationship between Singapore and Malaysia.

Future Possibilities

As we celebrate 100 years, we can encourage our children to imagine what the next century might bring for this important landmark.

Ready, Set, Explore: Your Family’s Causeway Adventure Awaits!

As we marvel at the Johor-Singapore Causeway’s century-long journey, spark your children’s imagination about its exciting future!

This centennial bash isn’t just about looking back – it’s about dreaming forward. By joining in these fun-filled activities, we’re not only giving our kids a history lesson, we’re opening their eyes to the magic of international friendships and cultural connections.

Think about it: every stamp in their exhibition “passport,” every giggle during the family reading sessions, and every “aha!” moment at the public talks is planting seeds of curiosity and understanding in their young minds.

We’re not just crossing a bridge — we’re building bridges between generations and nations!

So, moms and dads, it’s time to rally the troops! Grab those explorer hats, pack your sense of wonder, and get ready for a thrilling journey through 100 years of Causeway history.

This once-in-a-lifetime celebration is your ticket to creating priceless family memories while fostering a love for heritage in your little ones.

Don’t let this golden opportunity slip away! Dive into the Causeway’s past, present, and future with your family today.

Who knows? Your kids might just dream up the next big idea for this iconic landmark. Let the adventure begin!


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