While he was on a mission in Egypt, Maryvonne's husband mysteriously disappeared.

Gilbert Bréant, originally from Angers in western France, was a professional soldier. On March 24, 1969, his wife Maryvonne received a terrible message announcing her huband's death in Egypt. His plane had disappeared in the Mediterranean Sea. According to army officials, Gilbert could also have been held captive somewhere in Egypt. A glimmer of hope... The circumstances of this disappearance remain, however, very vague.

For 50 years, Maryvonne has been moving mountains to understand what happened to her husband. She has been doing research on her own in order to get to the bottom of the story. To find out if Gilbert is really dead, she gets into contact with the family of a Swiss pilot, present in the plane at the time of the disappearance, reports Demotivateur. In fact, Gilbert was on a secret mission and his disappearance was considered a state secret. Today, Maryvonne, aged 75, holds all the keys to unravelling the mystery.

On September 7, 2024, she received a letter sent to the Minister of Foreign Affairs at the time. With this document, she found out that the plane her husband was traveling in had been shot down, probably by the Egyptian army, and that Gilbert had died alongside the Swiss pilot. The bodies, as well as the aircraft, were never found.

(AMH with sD - Source: Demotivateur - Illustration: Unsplash)

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