Is OSNI (unidentified submersible object), an acronym soon to appear in our dictionaries? It all started in 2019 with a video taken from the American military ship USS Omaha.

At the origin of the debate, there is The Sol Foundation, "a Californian think tank that was specially created in August 2023 to study what some military personnel call 'unidentified anomalous phenomena'". The group based itself on this video taken off the coast of San Diego (in California), to produce a report on OSNI and, in the process, democratize the acronym, reports Korii.

July 2019: The USS Omaha filmed a UFO #UAP

— Dagnum P.I. (@Dagnum_PI) May 6, 2023

The images, certified in 2021 by the Pentagon, show an unidentified object coming and going between aquatic and aerial environments, something Tim Gallaudet, oceanographer, former rear admiral of the US Navy and member of The Sol Foundation, considers a threat to the maritime security of the country, that is "already weakened by [its] relative ignorance about the oceans".

Even today, no one has been able to explain this video and the phenomenon it transcribes. To guarantee national security, Tim Gallaudet insists on the importance of analyzing this type of "unidentified objects" whose existence, as the oceanographer points out, would be "scientifically valid".

Real threat or yet another conspiracy theory? For the moment, no one can say for sure.

(MH with AsD - Source: Korii - Illustration: Unsplash)

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