The American green light for the use of long-range weapons by the Ukrainian army on Russian territory opens up a range of possibilities, but above all, a situation full of uncertainty.

On the set of French news channel LCI, the specialists appear one after the another. General Michel Yakovleff, former vice chief of staff of SHAPE (NATO), wants to highlight the decision of the American government:

"The Russians are paying for their strategic error of having received Iranian missiles, and in essence Americans are saying we're going to make you pay for it (this mistake). For once, Americans are using a language of force instead of using a language of excuses."

The use of long-range weapons could be a decisive turning point in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. The situation is also becoming urgent for the Americans and its President Joe Biden who will have to leave the White House next January, and the uncertainty of the American presidential election between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump.

The former Republican president has shown in the past that he is unpredictable and sometimes uncontrollable. This is why journalists and specialists on the LCI set concluded with "It's midnight -5 minutes before world war or midnight -5 minutes before peace."

(MH with AmBar/Source: LCI/Photo: Unsplash)

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