My daughter and son-in-law are typical first generation olim who made aliyah in their late teens/early twenties, married, had kids and work hard at several jobs to make a living, and Baruch Hashem they manage and are extremely happy – but, like many others, it’s tough and opportunities for relaxation on their own are few and far between.

So, I was delighted to hear that they were jetting off to Cyprus for one night to the Ed Sheeran concert earlier this week. It was the first time they had left the kids and gone abroad (even for one night) and they were obviously a little nervous as to whether their “elderly” parents (my wife and I) would cope.

Imagine then, my distress when, after they had been gone less than 2 hours, my daughter called me from the airport in floods of tears. My heart sank, and as is my usual habit, I immediately catastrophized about what dreadful thing could have happened in such a short period of time.

When she had composed herself sufficiently to be coherent, it transpired that what had caused her upset was the sight of 180 Israelis on their way to the same concert. Many were amputees, double amputees and other assorted injured soldiers of the IDF, together with some 40 bereaved young adults aged 14-22, all of whom lost an immediate family member on or since October 7th. Lior Suchard, the famous mentalist (whom we have all seen on our El Al safety instructions) joined the group as well.

This was part of the amazing Hagshamat Halom (Fulfilling the Dream) initiative which aims to help make dreams come true for those with special needs.

PARTICIPANTS IN the One Family trip to Cyprus pose for a group photo before flying out from Ben-Gurion Airport. (credit: MEIR PAVLOVSKY)

The trip was a four-day getaway which included attendance at the Ed Sheeran concert later that day. Other activities including, a boat trip on the Blue Lagoon, a visit to a fishing village, a water park, a show by Kamikaze who came especially from Israel and a private performance by Lior Suchard.

The excursion was part of the ongoing attempt by One Family to reach every single person who has lost a loved one on or since October 7 and introduce them to the support groups and programming they offer – as well as other bereaved Israelis who share their loss and grief.

One Family

One Family is Israel’s leading organization supporting victims of terror and their families. It provides critical short- and long-term emotional, financial, and rehabilitative assistance to those impacted by terrorism, a number that has more than doubled since October 7. With centers in four locations around the country, their team of dedicated staff and volunteers try to connect with every single Israeli contending with loss and grief – and to connect them to each other. One Family was recently named one of the 2024 recipients of the prestigious Genesis Prize.

FOR MY daughter, it was an incredible sight which tugged at the emotions from so many angles.

How tragic that organizations such as Hagshamat Halom and One Family are needed, and so overwhelmed with work to do.

How devastating to see so many young people, in the prime of their lives with horrific injuries and life-shattering bereavements, such that in an instant their entire trajectory in life has been altered forever.

How humbling to realize that all of this, and so much more, was done in order to protect us, Am Yisrael (the People of Israel), and the Land of Israel. The self-sacrifice is so staggering that it makes one feel entirely inadequate and, in some ways, undeserving of our good fortune not to be among their ranks.

And yet, how inspiring to see the organizers, volunteers and workers for these wonderful, caring organizations whose sole raison d’être is to bring some happiness to these shattered lives. These people are an absolute credit to themselves, their parents, their upbringing and the whole of Israeli society which produced such magnificent altruism in its young people.

And most of all such pride that we belong to this very special family of Am Yisrael, in which I include Jews and non-Jews alike, who tirelessly and passionately believe in our right to live freely in our Land, backed by three and a half thousand years of history.

The One Family organization seeks to help those whose lives have been shattered and who need support in their grief and sorrow, but we must remember that we are, in fact, all one family.

Families sometimes squabble, but they never abandon one another, and when the chips are down, they come together, put their differences aside and present a united front to the outside world.

It cuts at the heart when we wash our dirty linen in public and criticize our people, our army, our leaders to the outside world.

The amazing trip provided to our brave heroes and their families was a jewel in our crown and a great example to the world of who we are and what we stand for.

It should serve as an inspiration to us all, and a reminder that we are in fact all just One Family.

The writer is a rabbi and physician who lives in Ramat Poleg, Netanya, and is a cofounder of Techelet-Inspiring Judaism.

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