On French TV's LCI set, Franco-Russian actress Macha Méril brought her point of optimism on the conflict between Ukraine and Russia forward.

Macha Méril has kept many contacts in Russia and she senses a movement underway to oppose Vladimir Putin:

"Putin is going to end badly, one of these days, because he's haunted by the end of his term. In fact, images of Ceausescu, Saddam Hussein and especially Bin Laden are playing on a loop. It could end overnight. And there is the hope carried forward by Vladimir Kara Murza, Putin's opponent."

And she continues:

"It's not just about Ukraine, it's about more than that. It's about regime change in Russia. That's what's not clear. We have to understand that Putin has to fall. And he will fall. Sooner than you think."

French Brigadier General, Nicolas Richoux, has a different view:

"For Westerners, the ultimate goal is not regime change. The ultimate goal is simply to stop Putin in Ukraine. But at the same time, there remains this fear of the breakup of Russia. This fear exists in the West, we must not deny it."

(Mh with AmBar/Source: LCI/Photo: Pixabay)

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