The opponent of the Kremlin leader, Vladimir Kara-Mourza, has just been released following the latest prisoner exchange between the West and Russia. In total, he will have spent two and a half years locked up between four walls. On Tuesday, he was a guest on France 2's "20 heures" where he confided his experience.

He's a survivor. He was supposed to serve a twenty-five-year sentence in a Siberian prison, according to Franceinfo. "It was almost death penalty," he explains. The man almost lost his life after two poisonings. Why? Vladimir Kara-Mourza was against Putin's "special operation" in Ukraine.

Today, he believes that the release of Russian political prisoners is a "very important message of solidarity from the democratic world." This exchange, according to him was, “a miracle made possible by public opinion in democratic countries”. Before adding, “Vladimir Putin’s regime seems stable and eternal, until the moment it falls. It will be quick, it will be unexpected”.


(Manon Pierre - Source: Franceinfo - Picture: by Kremlin.ru via Wikicommons under license Creative commons CC-BY-4.0)

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