Former national security adviser Herbert Raymond McMaster reveals some secrets about Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump's relationship.

In his book, “At War with Ourselves: My Tour of Duty in the Trump White House,” the man who spent 457 days in the service of the Republican candidate between 2017 and 2018, recounts his experience. He particularly discusses the “hypnotic hold” that the Kremlin leader had over the former president.

He explains that Trump systematically refused to listen to negative criticism from his counterpart. “After more than a year in this position, I cannot understand Putin’s hold over Trump,” says Herbert Raymond McMaster. He also claims that Vladimir Putin took advantage of the former White House resident’s “ego and flaws”.

The former lieutenant general in the US Army recalls that on one particular occasion, the Russian president called Trump an “exceptional and talented person”. According to him, these flatteries only had one goal: to push aside the American leader's advisers who suggested he be tougher on Russia. "The fact that most foreign policy experts in Washington advocated a tough approach towards the Kremlin only seemed to push the president to adopt the opposite approach."

It was the complicated relationship between Herbert Raymond McMaster and Donald Trump that would sign his dismissal.

(MH with Manon Pierre - Source: L’Express - Picture: by Presidential Press and Information Office via Wikicommons under license Creative commons CC-BY-4.0)

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