

Canada is about to give Ukraine a bunch of its old rockets

Delicate China woman asks neighbour not to use toilet at night, when ignored, blasts loud music

Woman becomes angry when upstairs neighbour used toilet, brushed teeth, accidentally dropped bottle caps A court in eastern China ruled that a woman must pay her upstairs neighbour 19,600 yuan (US$2,750) after she took drastic measures to retaliate against what she perceived as his noisy lifestyle. The man who owns the upstairs flat, surnamed Zhang...

Chinese Na Ying accused of rigging 'Singer' competition

Electronic pass required to visit the United Kingdom

Since Brexit, the United Kingdom is no longer part of the European Union. And there is no customs agreement. Therefore, from April 2025, in addition to your passport, EU nationals will have to obtain an electronic authorization to go there. Traveling in Europe was supposed to be easier with Schengen and the European Union. Britain’s withdrawal, Brexit, is throwing in a new complication. From 2 April 2025, you will need to obtain an ETA...

Russian counteroffensive in line with Ukrainian plan

The Russian army claims to have taken back 10 locations, within 10 days, in the area of ​​the Kursk Oblast occupied by Ukrainian forces. Ukrainian President Zelensky indicated that this counteroffensive was in line with plans. "In line with plan," is a phrase often heard since the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. It was mainly used by Russian spokesmen. Now, it's Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's turn to use it to confirm the...

Murders that changed the world

Murders are always horrific, but some are more shocking and have greater impact than others. Political leaders, famous artists, and other powerful people have been victims of homicides that may have changed the course of history. Click here to see which homicides made waves.

Israel's often offered peace, always rejected by the Arab world

A look into some of the many peace opportunities that were available and were shattered by absolute Arab rejection.

Final report clears Wada in Chinese swimmers case, adds rules need strengthening

Swiss prosecutor Eric Cottier says drug chiefs acted 'autonomously, independently and professionally', with 'no evidence to the contrary' A final report has confirmed that the World Anti-Doping Agency did not show "favouritism" towards China in the case of 23 Chinese swimmers who were cleared to compete after testing positive for a banned drug. But...

Putin makes fresh threat if Ukraine gets Western missiles

The Russian President said it would alter the nature and scope of the conflict.

Unbelievable conspiracy theories that were actually true

The internet is filled with conspiracy theories. While some may seem absurd, several from the past have been proven factual. It remains to be seen which conspiracy theories of today will turn out to be true in the future! For now, click through the gallery to see which ones have been confirmed so far.

Putin has a serious problem on his hands

While Russia's invasion of Ukraine has been going on for more than two years, the Kremlin leader is facing a major problem (which he certainly would not have anticipated when he started his special operation): its loosing its intellectuals. This is explained by professor of economics at the London Business School, Richard Portes, in an interview with American media outlet Business Insider. At the start of the conflict, nearly a million Russians...

PM sets out three changes to reform NHS

Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer announces his proposed changes to the NHS after its failings were highlighted in the Darzi Report. 1) Moving from analogue to digital, 2) Shifting care from hospitals to communities, and 3) Reducing sickness with prevention.

Concerts and yoga to celebrate Vienna’s Central Cemetery anniversary

In the hit parade of famous graveyards, Vienna’s Central Cemetery must be in the top three alongside Paris’ Père Lachaise and Westminster Abbey. Situated on the outskirts of Vienna, it is Europe’s second-largest burial ground, with approximately 330,000 graves spread across 2.5 square kilometers (620 acres). This sprawling cemetery attracts tens of thousands of visitors each month, both tourists and locals, who wander along its serene,...

Things renamed because of wars and other political reasons

Disagreements and differences lead to change, and this also applies to names. From wars to protests, many events have lead to the change of names of foods, territories, and even royal families. For example, did you know that during World War I hamburgers became known as "liberty sandwiches" in America? Or that London's National Portrait Gallery changed the name of a series of paintings in protest against the Russian invasion of Ukraine? These are just a couple of examples. Click through the following gallery to learn about more things renamed because of wars and other political reasons.

Haifa International Film Festival announces Israeli lineup

The Haifa Film Festival marks its 40th year with a new Israeli Cinema Competition, merging dramas and documentaries.

History's silliest excuses for war

War, what is it good for? Absolutely nothing. There have been many ridiculous and petty reasons to wage it throughout human history. In this gallery, we'll explain some of the most unbelievable excuses ever used to justify going to war. Stray dogs, emus, and even soccer matches have ignited violent conflicts in the past, believe it or not. Click on to discover some of the silliest causes of war in history!

Ghost ships of the ocean: vessels that disappeared without a trace

Baffling stories of history's disappeared ships, from a vessel owned by Christopher Columbus to the USS Cyclops, which was lost in the Bermuda Triangle over a century ago.

The history of political party logos around the world

In 2024, voters in at least 64 countries—including the United States, France, the UK and India—have gone, or will go, to the polls. With political yard signs everywhere, it’s an interesting time to look at the visual identities of political parties. Have you ever wondered why the Democratic Party in the United States uses a donkey as its symbol, why its Republican rivals use an elephant, or why the UK’s Labour Party uses a rose? Let’s find out.

Deadly "game" played by gang of young people on highway

"They were going to get married, these criminals destroyed lives." That was what the brother of Romanian truck driver killed by a manhole cover thrown at his truck said. It was last summer, a group of youths threw a manhole cover from the top of a bridge on the E42, towards Namur in Belgium. The manhole cover went through the windshield and killed the truck driver instantly. Maria, his wife, sitting next to him, was able to take the wheel and...

Russia just lost a lot of troops in one day and its high casualties will only continue

The best 1960s slang terms

Ah, the 1960s! A decade that gave us mind-boggling scientific advancements, massive civil rights victories, and free-spirited, hippie counterculture. What better way to revel in nostalgia than by revisiting some quintessential '60s slang? From "far out" to "groovy," this revolutionary decade gave us some of the best slang of the 20th century. Can you dig it? Ready? Click on to see what people had on the tip of their tongues during the '60s.

The country that “loses” 100,000 people a year

Leave, and never look back? Although this is something not many people do in our countries, in one nation it has become something of a social phenomenon. In Japan, they are called "johatsu", which means "evaporated" in English. These are people that decide to disappear voluntarily to start their lives again, somewhere else, differently. In all, they now total about 100,000 “evaporees” per year. The phenomenon started in the 1990s at a time when...

Worst floods expected in decades

Austria, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia are preparing for severe flooding due to the approaching cyclone Boris. Weather services expect the worst flooding in decades, with rainfall of up to 400 litres per square metre over the next four days in some areas of Poland and the Czech Republic, and 200 litres in Austria and Slovakia. Cultural events have been cancelled and water reservoirs have been drained to cope with the rainfall. Moravia,...

The woman who predicted 9/11 foresaw an invasion of Europe by an extremist group

Fortune-telling, considered an ancient skill with mystical origins, often receives little regard in modern times. However, there exist a few exceptional cases that leave even the most skeptical individuals questioning the boundaries of possibility. Baba Vanga stands as one of these rare figures. Despite being an elderly and blind Bulgarian woman, she is rumored to have accurately predicted numerous significant world events in recent history. Despite having passed away more than two decades ago, many of her most famous prophecies came to pass following her death. Even today, Baba Vanga maintains a devoted following, with many eagerly awaiting to witness the realization of her annual predictions. Take a journey through this gallery to explore more about this extraordinary woman and discover her insights for the future.

Le Kremlin agite la menace d'une riposte nucléaire

Russia should make it clear that it's prepared to use nuclear weapons against countries that support "NATO aggression in Ukraine," a leading foreign policy official said. Sergei Karaganov, chairman of the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy, is pushing President Vladimir Putin to take a tougher nuclear stance toward the West. In an interview with Kommersant newspaper, Karaganov said that Moscow could launch a limited nuclear strike against a...

Famous figures accused of anti-Semitism

Anti-Semitism is one of the oldest forms of hate in human history. Discrimination against the Jewish people is most often associated with World War II and the Holocaust, but the ideologies at the center of Nazism can be traced back centuries. This deep-rooted prejudice in society is still prevalent today, even in a time when any form of bigotry is supposedly unacceptable. This has become more clear in recent years with the rise of the far right and various conspiracy theories involving an international Jewish plot to dominate the world. These shocking views have been shared by a surprising number of public figures from the past and present. Click through the gallery for a rundown of the most famous faces to be accused of anti-Semitism, from Oscar-winning actors to powerful politicians.

China kindergarten criticised for asking parents to collectively pledge not to behave uncivilly

Story sparks national discourse on parent-teacher relationships, attracting 13 million views online The head of a kindergarten in northern China was suspended after a viral video captured her organising parents to pledge to "not be bear parents" and to show respect for teachers. The principal, identified only by her surname Wang, gathered dozens of...

CIA Director says there was real risk Russia would use a nuclear weapon in 2022

'Loving Art, Making Art' festival celebrates 20 years

Tel Aviv’s Loving Art, Making Art festival celebrates its 20th edition with exhibits, workshops, and tours.

Incredible island prisons around the world

There are islands around the world which have been used to exile criminals, political prisoners, and people who the government just didn't want around. Well-known historic figures like Nelson Mandela and Napoleon did time in island prisons. Check out the gallery and see these islands which were turned into prisons!

Territorial dispute sparks tensions as Chinese map shows Russian land as their own

Macabre and bizarre facts about the death penalty

Capital punishment remains one of the most controversial sentences around the world. Some countries have abolished this practice, but others are staunch supporters of it. Click here to learn more about the death penalty.

The most dangerous terrorist groups in the world

In 2023, there was a dramatic rise in tensions between the US and the Middle East. The October 7 escalation in the conflict between Israel and Palestine led Israel and its allies to begin a relentless attack on Gaza, while Palestine's allies in the region also increased their activities. As Israel waged war against Hamas, other militant groups in the Middle East such as the Houthi militia in Yemen and Hezbollah in Lebanon ramped up their attacks on Israeli and US targets. Many of these groups are believed to be sponsored by Iran, forming a loose alliance known as the Axis of Resistance. Despite their differences in ideologies, they are united by Iran's support and their shared opposition of Israel and the US. On the flip side, the Islamic State seems to have cut down on its attacks in 2023. The group claimed a total of 470 attacks in 2023 compared to 717 the previous year. Al-Qaeda was also relatively quiet compared to previous years, partly due to counterterrorism measures as well as pressure from opposing groups in the region. The real statistics on terrorism trends will come with the release of the next Global Terrorism Index, which is published around March each year. The annual index provides a comprehensive summary of the key global trends and patterns in terrorism over the last decade. Produced by the Institute for Economics & Peace, the report considers not only deaths but also incidents, hostages, and injuries from terrorism. It also names the top four deadliest terrorist groups operating around the world. So, what were the most dangerous terrorist groups in the world as of the 2024 report? Click through and be warned.

The most spectacular migrations in the animal kingdom

The phenomenon of migrations fascinates scientists, naturalists and wildlife lovers alike. The way that animals migrate in search of food, better weather or breeding in complete synchronization is incredible to watch and study. Click here to see the planet's greatest migrations!

I Found A Gun Diving In The River (Illegal Finds)

The oldest words in the English language

Inspired by's list, here are 16 of the oldest words in the English language. Click on to discover them all!

Parents of China doctor who died donate his organs enabling him to ‘save lives one last time’

Man rarely got time off to visit family, died in motorcycle accident while travelling to hometown The parents of a young doctor who died in early August chose to donate his organs to allow him to "save lives one last time", a decision that touched many on Chinese social media. Luo Sizheng, a young surgeon at Hongji Hospital in southwestern China's ...

The world's most sinister crime scenes

The morbid fascination with those who murder often extends to learning more about the locations in which the killings take place. Houses, apartments, compounds, highways, theaters, and schools are among the places where some of the most heinous crimes have been committed. Many of these properties are rightly demolished after the event, their continued existence otherwise providing an all too painful reminder of what took place inside. But there are scenes of crime that have survived, some as private residences, others as historic landmarks. Intrigued? Click through and discover houses of horror and other true crime locations.

“NATO must take down provocative Russian drones in airspace”

Aircraft from NATO countries stationed in the Baltic States should be allowed to shoot down Russian drones if they fly in NATO airspace. So says Lithuanian Defense Minister Laurynas Kasciunas. After all, last weekend a Russian kamikaze drone crashed in Latvia. Latvian authorities have confirmed that the drone was loaded with explosives. The drone reportedly entered Latvian airspace from Belarus. Russian drones were also spotted in Romanian...

The most populated slums in the world

As the world’s population climbs toward the 8.5 billion mark, there is the ever-present question of where some people are going to live. The answer for many, sadly, is this one: slums. According to the United Nations, a slum is an area of a city mostly characterized by substandard housing and squalor. Right now, more than a billion of the human population lives in these places. But just which are the most populated? Click through this gallery to discover the most heavily populated slums in the world.

Famous mathematicians who changed the world

While the study of mathematics is typically focused on learning how to apply mathematical operations and formulas, it's also important to learn about its history beyond just shapes and numbers. To fully grasp and appreciate the subject, we need to look at the famous mathematicians who shaped math as we know it today, paving the way for modern engineering, technology, astronomy, and space exploration. Curious? Click on to discover some famous names in mathematics and their contributions to the world.

Found A Gun Magnet Fishing _Police Involved_

Incorruptible bodies: saints whose corpses didn't decay

The phenomenon of incorruptibility is just as enigmatic as it appears. The belief that certain bodies do not undergo natural decomposition after death is seen as evidence of divine intervention in both Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches. These individuals, whose remains defy the natural order, have often been recognized as saints. Intrigued to discover more about the incorruptibles? Click on the gallery to learn more.

Drunk lunatic drives 7 people to death in carnival procession

On March 20, 2022, Paolo F. drove his car at high speed into a carnival procession in Strépy-Braquegnies, in the Belgian province of Hainaut. Six carnivalists were killed, 39 others were injured. But now, two years after the horrific events, a woman who was seriously injured in the collision has succumbed to her injuries. This has been confirmed by the mayor of La Louvière, Jacques Gobert, following reports on local media. According to RTBF's...

Why are Trump and Vance accusing immigrants of eating pets? The origin of the conspiracy

IDF: Main goal of Philadelphi tunnels for firing rockets, not smuggling in weapons

The largest number of weapons is believed to have come from the Rafah Border Crossing, controlled by Egypt.

Another tragic death of a female star: She rejected him and he murdered her

Putin more vulnerable than ever

Russian dissident and opponent of Putin, Vladimir Kara Murza, who was released a few weeks ago and invited on French news channel LCI, wants to believe in a future for his country without Putin. Vladimir Kara Murza is convinced that everything can change very quickly: "In Russia, changes happen very quickly and in a very unexpected way. Today, nobody knows exactly how and exactly when Putin's regime will fall. We know one thing for sure: it will...

The abandoned ghost town near Paris that is anything but quiet

Located a little over 10 km from the Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport, the village of Goussainville - Le Vieux Pays has all the appearances of a ghost town. Rife with abandoned houses and deserted streets, check out the eerie atmosphere of this peculiar little town in Val-d'Oise.

Notable People who died in 2024