Hong Kong pro-democracy news outlet Stand News and its two former chief editors were found guilty of sedition on Thursday, the first conviction of its kind since the city came under Chinese rule in 1997.

The verdict is part of a crackdown on free speech in the former British colony that has seen critics of China jailed or forced into exile, following huge pro-democracy protests in 2019.

Editors Chung Pui-kuen, 54, and Patrick Lam, 36, are the first journalists to be convicted of sedition since Britain handed Hong Kong over to China in 1997, and the ruling drew resounding international condemnation.

Chung and Lam were in charge of Stand News, a Chinese-language website that gained a massive following during the protests in 2019, before it was raided and shut down in December 2021.

On Thursday, district court judge Kwok Wai-kin said the pair were guilty of "conspiracy to publish and reproduce seditious publications". The parent company of Stand News, Best Pencil Limited, was also found guilty.

"The line (Stand News) took was to support and promote Hong Kong local autonomy," according to a written judgement by Kwok. 

"It even became a tool to smear and vilify the Central Authorities (Beijing) and the (Hong Kong) SAR Government."

Kwok also pointed to 11 articles published by Stand News that "caused potential detrimental consequences to national security" and had the intention of "seriously undermining" authorities in Beijing and Hong Kong.

Lam was absent from court on Thursday due to illness.

The judge granted both men bail before their sentencing on September 26.

Chung and Lam were charged under a colonial-era law, which punishes sedition with a maximum jail term of two years.

A recent security law enacted in March raised the jail term for sedition to seven years.

- 'Stop prosecuting journalists' -

The verdict drew swift global outcry, with the United States denouncing it as a new blow to the Chinese city's reputation.

"The conviction of Stand News editors for sedition is a direct attack on media freedom and undermines Hong Kong's once-proud international reputation for openness," State Department spokesman Matthew Miller wrote on social media platform X.

The European Union called on Hong Kong to "stop prosecuting journalists".

"The ruling risks inhibiting the pluralistic exchange of ideas and the free flow of information, both cornerstones of the economic success of Hong Kong," an EU spokesperson said.

Catherine West, UK foreign office minister for the Indo-Pacific, said on X that "free media is essential if societies and economies are to prosper", adding that the two Stand News editors were convicted "for doing their job".

But the Hong Kong government hit back at "malicious anti-China forces, foreign politicians and groups" for criticising the ruling. 

"As stated in the court judgment, Stand News completely disregarded objective reality, and contravened the special duties and responsibilities of media workers," the government said. 

China's top diplomat in Hong Kong also expressed "strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition" to Western criticism over the case, calling Stand News "deplorable in nature".

"Stand News has presented itself as a media organisation, but in reality it... is a political organisation through and through," said a spokesperson for the commissioner's office of China's foreign ministry in Hong Kong.

The Chinese finance hub has seen its standing in global press freedom rankings plummet in recent years.

Thursday's verdict is "one more nail in the coffin for press freedom in Hong Kong", said Sarah Brooks, Amnesty International's China director.

Beh Lih Yi from the Committee to Protect Journalists said the ruling showed that Hong Kong was "descending further into authoritarianism".

"Journalism is not seditious," she said. "Using archaic legislation like the British colonial-era sedition law against Hong Kong journalists makes a mockery of justice."


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